Mount and blade bannerlord troop trees
Mount and blade bannerlord troop trees

mount and blade bannerlord troop trees mount and blade bannerlord troop trees mount and blade bannerlord troop trees

Wind up a captive of someone you've pissed off and you might find yourself on the executioner's block, and if you don't have anyone in your clan to take over, it's game over. Especially given that (depending on settings) the player's OWN immortality card has been revoked. Doing so has been indicated by the devs to be a bad idea, with how angry people will get depending on the lord in question fewer people will weep if you kill a dishonorable piece of crap, but he was still part of the aristocracy and therefore supposed to be above such things. Anyone Can Die: Unlike in Warband the player may freely execute enemy lords.That said, because arrows remain embedded in their targets regardless of the damage they do, warriors who survived a few grazing hits can fight at full strength with a half-dozen arrows sticking out of their chest.Bows are the scariest weapons in the game to be staring down, and every elite archer enemy is considered a formidable opponent. Anti-Cavalry: Units specialized in polearms are much better at their job than in Warband, with even a Looter or a Peasant with a pitchfork being able to stop dead in its tracks all but the heaviest cavalry troops.With Bannerlord featuring dynastic elements (if your character dies, you take over as someone else in your clan), these weapons your character crafted can pass down the generations. Ancestral Weapon: The game features a robust crafting system, allowing players to design all sorts of weird and unique weapons, give them a name, and use them in battle.These also include place names for nearby terrain features that are all unlabeled on the main map. All There in the Manual: The seemingly-generic towns and villages each have a few lines of flavor text in the encyclopedia, discussing their history and the people who live there.

Mount and blade bannerlord troop trees